Pittsburgh International Airport Air Reserve Station Sexual Assault Prevention and Response: Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs) and Victim's Advocates are available to assist victims and survivors of sexual assault. The Pittsburgh IAP ARS SARC serves as the single point of contact for integrating and coordinating sexual assault victim (survivor) care 24/7, 365 days a year. The SARC Office is also responsible for providing Sexual Assault Prevention training throughout the installation.

Never forget: Help is available.
Do not hesitate to call the 24/7 helpline at 412-389-1963.

The SARC and Victim Advocates are also available to victims and survivors.
Dr. Jacqueline Young-Griffin, SARC: 412-474-8834
Senior Airman Jessica Capozzi, Victim's Advocate: 412-474-8512
Tech Sgt. Keely Bunting, Victim's Advocate: 412-474-8591
Pittsburgh IAP ARS Chaplain:412-474-8204

Pittsburgh IAP ARS Security Forces:

Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR):
This is a local organization specializing in sexual assault counseling and crisis intervention. For more information about PAAR, visit their website atwww.paar.org. It can be reached at 412-431-5665. The address is as follows:
81 South 19th Street
Pittsburgh, PA15203.

Women's Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh:
A 24/7 hotline is available. 1-800-799-SAFE(1-800-799-7233).

Resolve Crisis Network:This organization provides licensed telephone and mobile behavioural health crisis intervention services for all residents of Allegheny County. 1-888-796-8226.

Sewickley Emergency Room:412-749-7076

Moon Township Police:412-262-9000

Red Cross Pittsburgh:412-263-3100

Military One Source:800-342-9647
The Air Force has instituted avenues for reporting sexual assault in the form of Restricted and Unrestricted Reporting.

Restricted Reporting allows sexual assault victims to confidentially disclose the assault to specified individuals (i.e., SARC, SAPR VA, Chaplains or healthcare personnel), and receive medical treatment, including emergency care, counseling, and assignment of a SARC and SAPR VA, without triggering an investigation. It is intended to give the victim (survivor) time and control over the release of their information. Further, it also empowers the survivor to make an informed decision about participating in the criminal process.

Restricted Reporting is available for:
- All Service members and their Dependents over the age of 18

Unrestricted Reporting is any report of sexual assault made through normal reporting channels (for example: reports to chain of command, security forces, and/or Air Force Office of Investigation). This reporting option triggers an investigation, command notification, and allows a person who has been sexually assaulted to access medical treatment and counseling.

Unrestricted Reporting is available for:
- All Service members and their Dependents over the age of 18
- DoD Civilians and their Dependents over the age of 18 (MTF access and/or serving in an OS location)
- Contractors (if supporting in a contingency location outside the continental United States)

Independent Reporting is an assault reported by someone other than the victim.